Yes to God


Today we are talking about God's game plan.


As followers of Jesus you have been invited to join God's game plan.


Growing up, I played basketball. As a team we would watch film of the upcoming opponent. Coaches would point out the other team's strategy, tendencies, and strengths. Then they would share a game plan for the upcoming match. It's similar in other areas of life. Art exhibits tend to follow a plan or a driving theme for their space.


Here's the point: as followers of Jesus, you and I have now been invited into God's game plan.


Today's verse is Matthew 4:19

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”


Your game plan now that you said “Yes! to Jesus” is to follow Jesus.

Yes there are specifics for each person. Right where you are today, with the unique place you are at in the world, with your personality, with your gifts, with your story, with your interests, your passions and more all plays into your unique role in the game plan. Yet, each one of us has the same bigger, broader game plan which is: to follow Jesus.


Maybe this will help, on a baseball or softball team, every single player has the exact same big game plan: to win the game. Yet, each player has a specific role and goal they are focused on. The pitcher is focused on the pitch, the catcher is focused on the catch, the outfielder and infielder on fielding, and let's not forget the base coach and the head coach and the stats coach and the batting coach and the strength coach even. Each one of them does their specific job, yet all of them are prioritizing the same big goal which is to win the game.


For followers of Jesus we have the same big game plan, the same big goal and that is to follow Jesus. And, as we follow Him, God tells us in today's verse that He is going to make us or transform us or grow us into His followers. This means that God helps you and He transforms you as you follow Him.


So today, ask yourself if you are thinking about God's game plan?

Are you thinking about ways that you can follow God with your thoughts, with your heart, with your actions, or in your relationships?  If you're not sure, ask God in prayer and spend some time in the Word reading Mark or Luke.


The first disciples started with very little knowledge about who Jesus was, what He valued, or how He acted in various different situations. However, as they started following Jesus each day, they learned more and more. Along the way they gathered more insight and more experience and God transformed them into followers of Jesus.

Today’s helpful truth is to remember God's game plan is to follow Jesus no matter your role, no matter your strengths or your passions.


Wherever God places you today, you get to learn to follow Jesus.


See you tomorrow!

