cs kids

In CS Kids we want to help your kids connect with Christ and discover their spiritual journey.

Serve with CS Kids

Make a difference in the life of a child! CS Kids offers a variety of opportunities to serve the children of Cornerstone.

Interested in serving with CS Kids? Click below to learn more about the current opportunities in Heartland (infants-kindergarten weekend ministry), Elementary (PreK-4th grade weekend ministry), VIP (special needs ministry) and KaBOOM (1st-4th grade midweek ministry).


CS Kids Volunteer Orientation April 5


CS Kids Volunteer Orientation

April 5th @ 4:00PM

Learn about all of the serving opportunities in CS Kids (infants through 4th grade), as well as our special needs ministry - "VIP."   

Meet us in Adventure Port - Hut 9 (in The Ruins) on April 5th at 4:00PM and we'll provide all of the information you will need to have an amazing experience helping the kids of Cornerstone grow in their faith.


Child Dedication


Child Dedication is a fantastic moment and opportunity for parents to lead the spiritual development of their children. At Cornerstone, we want to support you in your calling as a parent and empower you to create a solid foundation for your family that honors God. If you have children 0-5 years old, you're invited to participate in Child Dedication.

If you are interested in the next Child Dedication, register for the two-session dedication class.
  • Session One is on April 12, 2025.
  • Session Two is on April 26, 2025.
  • Celebration in Main Service on May 10 & 11 2025. (Prior class attendance is mandatory.)
Let us know if you have any questions. Email Heartland@CornerstoneAZ.com today! 


KaBOOM: Midweek for 1st-4th Graders

2024/2025 August 13, 2024-May 13, 2025

If you’ve been looking for something your kids will love doing on Tuesday nights, you’ve found it right here. At Kaboom on Tuesday - 6:30 to 8:00 PM - during the school year, your kids will experience fun that’s contagious, games that excite, and faith that grows.

Register your child now for the 2024-25 school year! Registration is required one time per school year.  All 1st through 4th graders are invited to enjoy this fun weekly program through the school year!

Want to get join the fun and make a difference in the lives of the next generation? Come serve with us at KaBOOM - it's a blast! Contact us at kaboom@cornerstoneaz.com.

2024-25 Registration

Kids Baptism Declare Class


Do you have a 1st through 4th grader who is ready to take the next step in their faith? CS Kids offers a unique opportunity for your child to attend a class followed by the celebration of baptism. This class will teach your child about the details and the process of the salvation message. We will cover sin, repentance, salvation, and baptism.

The next classes scheduled for June 7 & 14, 2025 at 12:10pm in Adventure Port (new Children's building). Click on the link to register your child today. One parent is required to attend the classes with their child. We will contact you if an opening becomes available.

The baptism celebrations following these next classes will take place on June 21st & 22nd during all services.


2025 Kids Adventure Camp


Family Kickoff is June 1st from 4:30-5:30 PM
Kids Camp - June 2nd-5th (9:00 AM to Noon)

Registration is $50 per child

Your 4-year-olds (by September 1, 2025) through entering 4th grade in fall 2025 will enjoy
learning about the Bible, live worship, games, time with friends, snacks, and much more!
The cost to attend is $50 per child. Registration is required. 

Register HERE FIRST and receive a discount on your children's Kids Camp registration!

Who: PreK-4th Graders (in fall of 2025
When: June 1-5
Where: Worship Center
What: 2025 CSKids Adventure Kamp

Cost: $50


2025 KIDS Adventure Camp VOLUNTEERING


Want to change a child’s life this summer and have a blast? Help us launch the Adventure at CS Kids Adventure Camp June 1-5 where we will have an awesome time uncovering  the Good News with our CsKids! There are volunteer opportunities for adults and students with camp discounts for your kids in PreK-4th grade and childcare for younger kiddos too. Get all the details and sign up HERE.

Who: Adults and Students
When: June 1-5
Where: Worship Center
What: Kids Adventure Camp Volunteering

Cost: FREE


Special Needs

Our Special Needs Ministry is called “VIP”. VIP reaches out to individuals with all sorts of challenges to provide them an opportunity to experience acceptance and God’s love. We provide two unique environments, depending on the child’s needs. Our classroom environment meets in Room A110 on Saturday at the 4:00pm service, and Sunday at the 9:00am and 12:10pm services. Our “volunteer partner” option provides a buddy to assist the child in a typical classroom. A placement form must be completed prior to participation.

Placement Form

Weekend Programming

Programming is available for children aged birth - 4th grade during every service. In CS Kids, safety is a core value. That’s why we have secure check-in system at every Cornerstone location. If you are brand new to Cornerstone this weekend, register your family now and be ready for check-in.

New Family Registration


Kaboom will be on break March 11 & 18 and will not meet. We'll be back again on March 25th.

Kaboom will be on break March 11 & 18 and will not meet. We'll be back again on March 25th.
