Bible Discovery

Bible Discovery

Bible Discovery is a class made up of people interested in exploring the Bible one book at a time, verse by verse. Who is Jesus? How do today’s events align with Bible Prophecy? Can you defend your faith? Each week we explore and expound on these questions and more. Join us for a Bible study that will increase your faith and your walk with the living God.

Who: Anyone hungry to learn
When: Sundays, 9:00 AM
Where: Chandler Campus, Building B, Room B8
What: Free, No Registration Required


Click on one of the Groups below to get more Info

Únete a una comunidad donde se enseña la Biblia en español

Asian Community is a place to connect and build strong friendships

Connect with other people from the Filipino community

maximize the impact of your life during the "fourth" quarter

Join a community of parents with children ages 0-5

Connect with other families raising children ages 6-12

A community of parents of raising their kids to love God

Join a Godly community that will help you navigate life changes

Learn how today's events align with Bible prophecy
